Tuesday, 13 August 2013

ARCH1390 - Week 2 Assignment 1 - Weekly Progress

Room Model in Boxes

10 rooms model trial with the measurement

Room placement trial 1

Room placement trial 2
Actually i am kinda struggling with this room placement, I already did some research but it not helpful, I think I need some basic concept behind this room placement.

Primitives Design Trial

Trial 1
I am combining 3 different primitives : box, cylinder, and cutted cone. In here I am trying to rotated the box a little bit to make it more unique and make the cylinder (actually it is inclined) as the connector between the two buildings. The box and the cylinder is a one storey building and the cutted cone is a two storey building.

Trial 2
In here I am combining 3 different primitives which is wedge, box and torus. The circle space inside the torus is a yard. I make the square shape in the wedge as the main entrance and put a long box in there as the lounge of the building, and the main building is the torus. In addition, I make the circle space inside the torus as the main yard of the house.

Trial 3
In this house, I try to combine 3 primitives which is square wedge, wedge and box. In this house, I create lot of space as the yard. I make the box as the main building of the house with each (square wedge and wedge) wedge as the entrance to the main building.

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